Artificial Intelligence

Fort Privacy is here to help you deploy AI Responsibly

AI promises a future filled with incredible possibilities – breakthroughs in medicine, solutions to climate change, and innovations that could reshape our world for the better. There is no doubt that the advances in artificial intelligence will have profound impacts on our lives.

According to a PwC GenAI Business Leaders Survey 2023

  • Only 7% of companies have fully established AI/GenAI governance structures in place.
  • 91% of companies surveyed believe GenAI will increase cybersecurity risks.
  • 83% expect GenAI to have a positive or transformative impact on their businesses in the next five years.
  • 77% of Irish business leaders expect GenAI to positively impact Ireland’s economy.

The challenge is for organisations to unleash the potential for AI to contribute to positive growth and deliver promised operational efficiencies while ensuring the use of AI is managed responsibly. This is especially important for organisations who are looking at the legal implications of the EU AI Act and other global regulations that are being introduced.

When we talk about deploying AI Responsibly, we mean deploying AI that is lawful, ethical and robust



Responsible use of AI in your organisation starts with clear guidance

Any company who thinks it’s not using AI by now really is likely to be deluding itself. This enormous change must be met head on. By doing so you will ensure you are well placed to reap the benefits while protecting valuable company assets – your people, your customers and your information.

Its important for the leadership team to set a clear direction for the organisation. What is encouraged and what is unacceptable? Where are we setting the boundaries? What controls need to be put in place? What checks and balances do we expect to see?

Fort Privacy has identified a three-step process to get AI Guidance and Oversight in place while facilitating ongoing deployment and experimentation.

Three Steps to Responsible Use of AI

The Fort Privacy process gets a working AI Governance programme in place in three steps – knowledge, policy development and oversight.

The first step is to understand what uses AI solutions are being put to today and what immediate plans do various stakeholders have to introduce new solutions. We deploy an internal survey and analyse the results to identify the real use cases that are being deployed.

Once you have this information, you can develop a ‘rules of engagement’ policy regarding AI use, which sets out what is and isn’t permitted. We use the ALTAI self-assessment checklist, which has been developed by the EU Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI, to formally evaluate your current and planned use of AI and guide the development of the policy document.

The development of AI is moving so fast that rigid processes won’t work for most organisations keen to adopt AI solutions. The final step is to create an oversight team who will become your mechanism to handle change. The team made up of people within key areas of the company such as IT, HR and compliance — who will monitor AI use and issues over time. We provide this team with a process for AI oversight using the same ALTAI self-assessment to evaluate new uses.


Our Three Step Governance Programme Will Deliver:

Category Details


Report on current and planned future use of AI in your organisation

Rules of Engagement

Policy document developed in consultation with key stakeholders


Terms of reference and training for your AI oversight team

Ongoing engagement

Optional ongoing participation as external advisors to the AI Oversight team


Above all, it gets you started on a path to using AI solutions lawfully, ethically and robustly – in short responsibly!

Contact Us

Find out more about our AI Governance Programme and get a quote please contact

We’re here to help. Whether you’re unsure where to start, or need some extra guidance in developing your data protection programme.

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